Monday, October 23, 2017

HSBC Front Running Client Trade

Convicted on one count of conspiracy and eight counts of wire fraud and some news media is calling Mark Johnson an ex-trader at HSBC, this guy was the Currency Chief at the bank.  HSBC had been hired by Cairn Energy to convert the proceeds of a unit sale from dollars into pounds.  The $3.5 billion transaction was manipulated by other traders Johnson assembled through NY and London.  The traders manipulated the British Pound by buying hundreds of millions of pounds on Dec 7, 2011, which rallied the price before Cairn Energy (you have to be pissed) transaction causing a Christmas day for HSBC of $7.5 million in profit plus the fee for the transaction.  To execute the buy ahead of the trade where Johnson would use the code word "My watch is off" then other traders would confirm the move with code word "Ramp it" and the game began.

We can see now how many executives of financial institutions can afford mega yachts and private aircraft while driving off in a Bugatti.  Market manipulation has been going on since the inception of the first brick of this build.  To this day you can see the metals being shorted and plunge protection teams coding the phrase "ramp it" to keep the market afloat.  Also since inception, the banks have been above any law keeping this all in play by attaching the feed $bag$ to government justice.  I'm sure the news of this conviction is shocking the banking institutions in London whose law lies under the BIS (bank of international settlements) higher law than any nation.  You can't do this to our boy; we'll have to follow this to see if Johnson goes to jail or just another payday for the DOJ.  At any rate what this shows is you as a client the transparency does not exist.  There is no law where you have to do business with the cartel banking institutions, one reason why Public Banking and Bitcoin was created and that's to cut out the middleman who has been laundering money in illegal trade and spoofing the market from stem to stern.

A little history of these marvelous institutions, president Jackson and Kennedy were right all along.


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