Thursday, September 15, 2016

Brazil's Nuclear Head - Sentenced to 43 yrs in Jail

Othon da Silva
Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva considered the father of Brazil’s nuclear program and a pillar of the military-industrial establishment, was convicted of corruption. Silva colluded with firms to set up an overbilling and kickback operation with the construction of Brazil’s third nuclear power reactor, Angra 3.

Eletronuclear which Silva was the CEO is a subsidiary of Brazil’s electric power holding company Eletrobras, Silva was a vice-admiral in the Brazilian Navy. The business owner will serve time for corruption, money laundering, embarrassment investigations, tax evasion and criminal organization.  According to investigations, Othon demanded kickbacks on contracts with contractors Engevix and Andrade Gutierrez.

Jose' Dirceu
The case is unfolding, Operation Lava jet.  Altogether, there are 12 other people involved were also convicted.  One, in particular, is José Dirceu, the former chief-of-staff to ex-president Lula da Silva, received 23 years.  Silva was sentenced by the judge of the 7th Federal Criminal Court of Rio, Marcelo Bretas.

The corruption investigation could now see Brazilian state-run power company Eletrobras be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.

The Jag site first saw this at Nuke Pro, thanks, Stock.

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